Regular Membership / $50 per year
Open to any woman believing in the principles of the Republican Party and support its candidates.
Must be registered to vote in Washington State
Can not be a Regular Member of another Republican Women's club in Washington State (unless as an Associate Member)
Associate Membership / $25 per year
Open to any woman or many believing in the principles of the Republican Party and support its candidates.
Must be registered to vote in Washington State
Must be a Regular Member of another Republican Women's club in Washington State
What's In It For Me?
Hear and meet influential political speakers
Meet candidates and help them with their campaigns
Hear experts in other fields on varied, pertinent and timely topics
Participate in educational projects and outside activities
Use our email network and newsletter to express ideas
Learn and use leadership skills
Form wonderful and lifetime friendships
Receive subscriptions to CIWRC's newsletter, WFRW newsletter, and the Republican Woman magazine from NFRW
Participate and work together on community service projects and exciting events!

How Will My Membership Dues Help the Camano Island Women's Republican Club?
50% of your membership dues go to the Washington Federation of Republican Women.
The remaining 50% helps us hold our monthly meetings, get out the vote, voter awareness campaigns, and donations to Camano Island charities and operations that make our community stronger and better.